Thursday, February 12, 2015

Love and Hate: Five Pieces

Love and Hate: Five Pieces

By Armando Ortiz


I love you like party time,

as the sun goes down, and

bed sheets cover us to hide

what we imbibe.


I hate you like the emotional isolation

that is felt when beside me you cry,

shedding those tears

through the night.


I love you like party time

that’s when its Friday at midnight,

and though tired I fight the urge to sleep

keeping on the mild cool light.


I love you like dark chocolate chili

that is sold in the old markets

of towns found in between green valleys

where on deserted imaginary lands

abuelitas wearing aprons

carry those delicious goblets

on dry baskets, and covered

in golden maize husks.


I hate you like clammy handshakes

that leave that water residue on the skin

as a sign that time has come to say goodbye

like eyes that splash you with darkness

with abysmal irises of black unknowns.