Interstellar Trail
By Armando Ortiz
Buddhist teaching,
word and symbol,
Vajra standing
on paper still.
Diamond sutra
hemp on plaster,
hand moving faster
laying a path of ink.
Holy priest floating
riding on tiger clouds,
dismembering ego
promising redemption.
Horse of the Great Plateau
rumbling into war
chariot of fire
demolishing walls.
Flying creature
found in white clouds
on frozen blue sky
protects the spirit trail.
Ancient pilgrim
walking through desert
passing through gorges
finding knowledge in the sacred.
Old Tibetan libraries
under constant repair
after years of cultural warfare
on silent mountain valleys.
Ring the bell
of present chant,
the setting sun
washed in corral dye.
Sketched masterpieces
capture the moment
the violet sky turns onyx
revealing the source of clamor.
Palace of refuge
with dining hall
where longing gets quenched
in a banquet under Guanyin’s eye.
Master’s imagination
sketched on paper
for blind men to follow
the pattern of the shining
interstellar ember.
Sutras kept alive
on blueprint scrolls,
four sided walls repeating
the divine cycle that’s law.
Beautiful words and image.