Friday, August 26, 2022

Parzival: The Red Knight


By Armando Ortiz

Behold him

who's engaged the world and

with folly has become wise. 

Trying to follow 

the word faithfully and falling

came to understand.

Through error and stumble 

arising again experienced

with discerning eyes.

Behold Parzival, 

who won every fight,

the fool turned red knight.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Roberto Bolano's The Spirit of Science Fiction: Book Review

The Spirit of Science Fiction: Book Review

By Armando Ortiz

The novel The Spirit of Science Fiction by Roberto Bolano starts off with a dreamlike quality, drawing readers into a world where the characters and scenes feel remarkably real. At first glance, the characters appear as artistic and youthful individuals, much like the poets and artists today. However, as the story unfolds, the layers are peeled away, revealing deeper insights into their lives and circumstances. The setting in which most of these young writers reside is slowly unveiled, akin to the discovery of an ancient tomb, with its contents yet to be fully revealed.

Bolano portrays the artists as predominantly low-class individuals, living in poverty and existing on the margins of Mexico’s capital.While they enjoy the freedom to be who they are, this freedom comes with its own set of consequences. Art becomes an impulse that drives each of these young poets, and their poetic journey intertwines with their experience of poverty, creating a communal bond among them. Despite the squalid situations some of them endure, Bolano brings Mexico City to life through his unique descriptions. Whether riding a motorcycle through the streets or standing outside a mechanic’s shop, the imagery transports readers to the heart of the city. From cafes to public bathhouses, Bolano captures the city’s essence, highlighting the spartan lives of the artists in their rooftop homes, a striking contrast to the opulence found in the upper echelons of modern-day Los Angeles.

Water emerges as a recurring theme throughout the novel, weaving its way into the narrative. At times, a reader might begin to vacillate between Egyptian and Aztec mythology. Tlaloc, the god responsible for rain, seems to be there in essence, along with the reminder that the city was built on top of a lake. Rain in Mexico DF, communal latrines lacking water, and the elusive luxury of hot water all contribute to this thematic exploration. Bolano’s treatment of water, akin to Federico Lorca’s poems that delve into rivers and its creatures, adds depth to the novel. While Lorca’s lines pay homage to rivers and oceans, Bolano breathes life into Mexico City, with its people becoming akin to a school of fish swimming through its streets. 

At its core, The Spirit of Science Fiction narrates the story of poets and artists who, despite living among the masses of the city, find themselves in unique but mundane situation Their suffering, an emblematic trait of true artists, lacks the conventional glory that comes with publication and fame, but that isn’t their driving force. These are anti-poets, living a poet's life in a place that has seemingly forgotten them. Yet, they give the city its pulse and contribute to the diverse realities that poets worldwide bring to their homelands.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian: Book Review and Reflection

Blood Meridian: Book Review and Reflection on Today’s World

By Armando Ortiz

I began reading Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian back in the summer of 2019. At that time, a man went on a shooting rampage, killing his father, brother and a random bus rider. As I neared the end of the book, public shooting also took place in El Paso, Texas. There a man entered a Walmart in El Paso, and killed twenty three people. Having witnessed real-world acts of violence, the reflection on Blood Meridian’s themes became all the more necessary. The novel’s portrayal of violence presents an opportunity to explore the deeper roots of such brutality in human nature.

This essay will explore how violence plays out today in our society and is mirrored in McCarthy’s novel, exemplified by the brutal actions of the outlaw characters and senseless acts of violence. By drawing parallels between the novel’s world and real-life incidents like the shooting rampage we hear about so frequently, it explores how McCarthy’s narrative not only mirrors the violence prevalent in society but also raises questions about the lack of sacredness in human lives.Similarly, the novel’s world of outlaws relishing opportunities for brutality exhibits a similar lack of restrain and sacredness, mirroring the violence prevalent in today’s society.

During that time, I also found myself getting a haircut and shared with the barber what I was reading and its connection to the violence taking place. He instantly pointed out the Menendez brother and how they killed their parents to get their inheritance. Bringing that case to mind really meshed with McCarthy’s story of rubes, outlaws and desperados out and about making chaos in the American Southwest.

Again, I found myself with some teachers in a meeting with a local museum director. The art teacher spoke on how students needed opportunities with hands-on activities, to explore other alternatives besides reading, writing, and math. As she spoke to the group, the scene of The Kid repairing or making something with a piece of leather came to mind. I thought about how that character was able to make repairs to his personal items, and yet was just as violent as people can be today.

The novel Blood Meridian is best represented by a rattle snake swallowing its own tail- a symbol of eternal violence. The violence depicted in the book also occurs in modern society and has a global impact. The violence that seems random and uncalled for happening here in the U.S. isn’t unique; all over the world, there are examples of similar actions, and sometimes they remain unknown. McCarthy simply makes it evident that violence is a part of human nature and no one is immune to that part of human instinct.

Similarly, just as modern society grapples with the randomness and senselessness of violence, McCarthy’s novel unveils a world where outlaws relish opportunities for brutality, exhibiting a similar lack of restraint and sacredness. Today’s violence is no different than when the bandits break into an abandoned building and kill everyone inside or when a bear mauling takes place in the mountains. Violence could be avoided and controlled to some extent, but it seems that it is a part of human nature. The novel describes people being executed, or people surviving out in the elements in deformed fashion, adding to our understanding of the extent of violence that we are capable of engaging in.

Blood Meridian is a violent novel where there is no moral to be learned from the outlaw characters and is devoid of sacredness. They have some skills, and have socialized themselves among their peers. Those that make up the tribe are of various backgrounds and have taken The Kid under their wing. Yet they are as violent as the people making headlines today and the actions they take are no different. They are also no less violent than the people that came before them, because violence has played a role in every human society. 

In Cormac’s narrative, the Judge plays an ominous role and at times seems to represent the wise old devil with his vast knowledge. Although educated, the Judge too seems to relish the opportunity for violence. He knows how to make the necessary ingredients to perpetuate violence. He carries a notebook and destroys artifacts only after taking down some notes. In a way, taking notes as he sees fit. He seems to represent a figure that rewrites history through the violence that he perpetuates. In other words his lies become ‘the’ truth and his actions represent the darkest recesses of every reader’s instinct. In McCarthy’s narrative, the ominous figure of the Judge embodies a profound understanding of violence, utilizing it as a tool to rewrite history and perpetuate his version of the truth. This echoes throughout history, where civilizations and individuals have used violence to impose their beliefs and agendas. Today, the violence being played out in our society seems to be undirected and unfounded, much like the violence depicted in the novel. 

And yet, with or without being grounded in history, people still will be violent in taking part in violent behavior. McCarthy simply shines the light on behavior that we typically consider immoral and inhuman, but examples of this exist throughout history and found in all civilizations. Take for example the natives of Teotihuacan and how they buried babies at the base of temples thinking that the gods would accept such sacrifice. The practice of enslaving people has only recently been outlawed, and yet is still practiced in many parts of the world.

Today, the violence being played out in our society seems to be undirected and unfounded, much like the violence depicted in the novel. In McCarthy’s narrative, God is non-existent, and although religion is portrayed, it is not actively practiced. In the story there seems to be a lack of ritual, although the novel begins in the middle of a sermon, and later we see the kid carry a bible, there is no sense of there being a god in the book. All the characters exist in a dog eat dog world. The individuals engaged in the mass violence today seem to lack that ritual and sense of a higher being; they seem to just hate and exist in a world like that of the novel.

Nevertheless, children should be exposed to different activities. What they do with the knowledge that they acquire is up to them to figure out. They should have opportunities to make art with their hands, like sculpting and painting or learning outdoor survival skills that can bring positive outcomes. The hands-on skills that young people receive is limited, and this could be an avenue where they learn to cope with anger, frustrations, and develop resilience. Other alternatives to reach people that might otherwise decide to turn into one of McCarthy’s characters could help lessen the chances of violence. Again, by providing children with diverse opportunities and coping mechanisms, we can aim to lessen the chances of them turning into characters resembling those in McCarthy’s novel. 

Returning to the image of the snake swallowing itself, the chances of random violence happening again anywhere on this earth is pretty much guaranteed. There are far too many examples of our nature on this earth and McCarthy is a mirror that reflects who we are in the darkest corners of our civilizations, societies, tribes, and as individuals. Visiting a museum and seeing examples of human violence towards others supplements a book like Blood Meridian. The novel should be required reading for anyone exploring ways to mitigate violence in our societies and to understand human behavior. Again, the goal of the essay was to reflect on the violence that lives in McCarthy's novel and to emphasize how it is an example of how humans have been towards each other for millennia. In conclusion, the novel serves as a haunting reflection of the darkest aspects of humanity, shedding light on the timeless and universal nature of violence. As we confront the ever-present issue of violence in today’s world, McCarthy’s novel makes us contemplate the deeper reasons behind such brutality and to seek a deeper sense of sacredness in our lives. Doing this can lead to a more profound understanding of violence and a quest for a more compassionate and sacred society.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve: Road Trips from Los Angeles

Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve: A Day Trip
by Armando Ortiz

   I've been to the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve State Natural Reserve many times, especially during Spring. The drive to this place is great and you have two options. Both ways of getting there from L.A. will take you through landscapes a bit different than the usual LA sights. You will be driving through the eastern edge of the Simi Hills and the western end of the Angeles National Forest mountains. 

First option to get there is via Highway 14 north, by taking the Interstate 5 north, then once you’ve passed San Fernando Valley you get on the 14 north all the way to Lancaster where you will exit Avenue I. Next, you will make a left and stay on that street till you join Lancaster Road. This route is the fastest and the most direct and you mostly get to see the western end of the Angeles Crest mountains. As you are driving north you can enjoy looking at the slanted rock formations that can be seen to the left-  Vasquez Rocks, whose name is taken from L.A.’s historic bandit - Tiburcio Vasquez.

The second option is a bit slower but the drive too is scenic and different. From L.A. you take Interstate 5 north and drive to the Magic Mountain area. You exit on Newhall Ranch, make a quick right, and drive past the rodeo grounds that will be on your right side. Then you will make a left on Copper Hill Drive and drive till you reach San Francisquito Canyon Road. Here you will make a left and head north for about 15 to 20 minutes, here you see drive through canyons, oak groves and see lingering signs of ranch life, till you merge with Elizabeth Lake Road, where you will make a left, and soon you will reach Munz Ranch Road where you will turn right. Depending on the year's rain and your time of visit, the hills in these areas might be splashed with the colors of wild desert flowers. The road winds its way through rolling grassy hills that will be peppered with tangerine colors, purple lupines and varying yellow hues. 

You pay to enter the Poppy Reserve and it is well worth the price. In the reserve there are picnic benches near the front, but you can also take a break in your car. There are defined trails that are easy to walk on. There might be one or two sections throughout the site that might get intense for a few meters. There is also a visitor center where you can purchase the typical souvenirs found in such places. It's worth going inside and checking out unique things related to the high desert, like books and hats. If you do decide to hike one of the trails make sure to take some water and a lunch. There are benches along the trails where you can sit and enjoy the views and reach into your bag and enjoy a snack. For a moment you can be transported to the past, when these flowers carpeted not only this area, but extended and covered all of the high desert and even all of Los Angeles. 

If you are on a budget you can pull off the main road where there is a decent amount of blossoms and enjoy the sights. Sometimes parking along the road can be intense, because many people visit this section of Los Anglees during the Spring, especially when there has been plenty of rain. Nevertheless, remind yourself that you are there too see a Spring blooms, and that’s what others are doing too, and believe it or not many people in the city ever drive this far to see something so unique.There are off road trails where you can enjoy the poppy fields, but you have to make sure your car is capable of doing light off-roading as well.

The best time to visit is during the Spring. Timing your visit will depend on how well you keep track of the rainfall in the deserts. Usually if it has been a wet year in Los Angeles you can rest assured that there will be poppies blooming in spring. It is all a matter of monitoring the rain fall, and also the weather because just as it can be a rainy season, hot weather the next week can mean that there will be a short blooming season. In addition, poppies are one of many wildflowers that bloom during the Spring, and these blooms can come in waves. Meaning, before poppies blossom there might be a blooming of desert lupines, goldfields, painted brush, and many others.