Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Wading in Water

Wading in Water
by Armando Ortiz

wading in water
along Onion Valley trail

where melting droplets
in nature's weight flows

the white noise of running creeks
sting like icy needles

and exiting an alpine lake
gives warm shivers

floating in upper stream pools
I return to that childhood

where shimmers buoyantly move
and arms resist the gentle force

the waft of sagebrush vapors
wander under the shade of aspen shrubs-

I wish to be wading in water
thoughts meandering next to bliss

Monday, August 12, 2019


by Armando Ortiz

I sit meditating
on the southern slope of a mountain

the shadow of the north face
breaks free from its boundary

stratus clouds momentarily veil the sunlight
the landscape darkens as if it were night

the silence of Buddha is broken
as chipmunks from ground to rock scurry by

cold winds funnel down the alpine valley
making ripples and howls within rocks surrounding

colossal statue cracked unmoving
sits ringed with dabs of purple violet irises

crown of frozen grey and melting ice
is like a dream to my city eyes

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Dream of Mountains: Short Piece

Dream of Mountains
by Armando Ortiz

I dream of hiking mountains
walking giant mortars
on alpine canyons
one continual upward motion

Life conceived extremes
thousands of winters
foxtails untouched by hands
firmly sweeping the wind they stand

wild flowers long harsh winter endured
late June rough gravel break through
granite peppered with pine green
where purple iris edge against a cairn

to watch molcajetes steaming with life
to walk on giant rocks
and stroll along grey cliffs
with white peaks that silently lie

to journey to a frozen conception
that melts into hidden cracks
and traverse giant mammoth molars
and glide on the air like a flying dinosaur.