Thursday, November 17, 2022

A New Conquest

 A New Conquest

By Armando Ortiz

Imagine drones rising above clouds

measuring the heights of the Andes

going a thousand meters above valleys,

imagine online pages tipping the balance of choice

causing chaos in those rural mountains

an uproar alights the high altitude villages,

close your eyes and see cathedrals falling

as unseen lenses hone in on its towers

everything now exposed for the world to see,

dreams of being watched 

and movements monitored

become a ticking reality. 

Our brave new world is here

the future happens now 

our faces recorded for eternity,

a new cavalry of empire builders

fly over the world making decisions

droning over who gets what,

remember the last Inca emperor, Atahualpa

and the overwhelming support of his people

scattering at the lightning crack of a canon,

recall Cuahtemoc who welcomed strange visitors

to his shimmering palace of quetzal feathers

only to be tied and executed for being of the devil,

musket fire and thundering sound

making SoCal natives shutter

running to the mountains and waiting.

An old world had landed on this world 

forever transformed the evolution 

man continuing recklessly as before,

this new world has returned

an order forcing change

turning of the corner for humanity,

this is the future

a new conquest

the way that will be,

creeping demons emerge from Xibala

that stars cannot decipher

but all humanity must adapt to,

gods no longer communicate with stars

they transmit dictums through glowing screens

denatured and desensitized with unfamiliar sounds.

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